- Item ID: 64846
"Everyday Thousands of People Are Getting Their Identity Stolen! If You Have Use Your Credit or Debit Card Recently This Could Be You! Don't Be A Statistic, Solve The Problem That Tons of people Face Each And Every Day!"
It̢۪s Easier Than You Think For a Criminal To Get Your Personal Information And Use It To Not Only Obtain
Goods And Services, But Also To Commit Fraud And Even Crime. Don̢۪t Be a Victim! Buy This Book And
Protect Yourself – Right Now – Before It’s Too Late!
Dear Fellow Consumer:
Identity theft is a crime that is becoming more and more common these days and affects everyone from the rich to the middle class to the poor. To steal a person’s identity, criminals need just one thing to get started – your social security number. Believe it or Not, it’s actually quite easy for them to get it, too!
It can be frightening to think that someone is out there using your name to commit crime. That crime could include purchasing goods in your name with you being liable for the bill. It could also be as serious as the criminal giving your name as theirs when they are arrested making you the subject of criminal charges.
Sounds pretty scary, doesn̢۪t it? What̢۪s even scarier is that YOU may be helping those criminals in ways you never even thought about.
Anyone can become a victim. For example, do you:
Hand your credit card to servers at restaurants?
Not sign the back of your credit or debit card?
Supply personal information over the internet?
Leave mail at your home or business for the postal carrier to collect?
Just throw away unwanted mail containing personal information?
If you do any of these things, YOU can become a victim of identity theft. Would you know what to do if that happened? Do you have a plan? Do you even know where to begin?
Now you will! You will have an edge over the criminals when you Start by ordering our amazing new book, â€Å“Protect Yourself from Identity Theftâ€. And it’s available to you only in this exclusive offer.
Over 10 million Americans are affected annually by identity theft. That̢۪s a staggering statistic! Sometimes these criminals are never caught. When they are, it̢۪s because the victim is vigilant about clearing their name and getting their identity back!
You Need To Be Vigilant Too!
After all, one̢۪s identity doesn̢۪t form overnight. You work hard to pay your bills on time, build up a good credit rating and maintain a good name for yourself. Don̢۪t let it disappear overnight at the hands of a thief.
Take Action!
In this valuable, comprehensive guide, you will learn many tips to protect yourself from identity theft. Here̢۪s a sneak peek:
Learn how criminals obtain your information Find out how they use it to ruin your good name
What steps you need to take to re-gain your identity
How to protect yourself against internet fraud
All the agencies you need to contact to correct your credit
What to do if you have problems getting the situation resolved
Don’t wait until it happens to you! Order â€Å“Protect Yourself from Identity Theft†for just $7.77 today. You’ll learn everything you need to know to make sure you are safe and much, much more!
For example, inside the pages of this book, you̢۪ll find out how to:
Take steps to correct your credit report
Assess those companies who offer to help you get your identity back – for a fee
Prove you are who you say you are
Organize your case and your information so you can set about regaining your identity back
Take precaution so it never happens to you ever – or again
The process of identity theft is a long and tedious one. But the person who is the culprit, doesn̢۪t mind waiting a bit to fully take advantage of you and your good name.
What you need to know is that getting your identity back once it̢۪s stolen is also a long and tedious process. Unfortunately, YOU are the one who is in a hurry to make this whole mess go away.
Start Right Now – Order This Valuable Book!
Yes, there are companies out there who offer to regain your identity back for you, but they often charge you a fee. Why pay that fee when you can do it all by yourself?
You need to be proactive first of all. You need to know what the criminals are looking for so you can protect yourself BEFORE it happens. Our book will show you how to do just that!
We̢۪ll give you valuable tips to help you protect your information so no thief can take advantage of you. This includes protecting:
Credit cards
Bank accounts
Phone solicitations
And more!
When almost one in every four households in America become victims of identity theft, it is a serious issue. Often, we don̢۪t take it seriously enough.
But We Should!
No where else will you find a more comprehensive guide to both protecting yourself from identity theft and regaining your identity back once it̢۪s been compromised.
You̢۪ll need a lot of information to get that done. This includes having an arsenal of tools at your fingertips. We̢۪re going to give you those tools! You̢۪ll get:
1. A letter that will address each credit problem
2. A form that proves your own identity
3. A letter that disputes any charges made fraudulently in your name
So basically, what we̢۪re telling you is that
We Have Everything You Need Right Here!
Right now, through this exclusive offer, we’re allowing you to buy â€Å“Protect Yourself From Identity Theft†for the low introductory price of $7.77. You won’t find such a comprehensive book like ours anywhere else for that price!
It̢۪s a no-brainer! Identity theft is a very real crime, and it could happen to YOU! Don̢۪t let it!
Order â€Å“Protect Yourself From Identity Theft†today with no risk and no chances. Start today guarding yourself from crime.
Warmest regards,
It̢۪s Easier Than You Think For a Criminal To Get Your Personal Information And Use It To Not Only Obtain
Goods And Services, But Also To Commit Fraud And Even Crime. Don̢۪t Be a Victim! Buy This Book And
Protect Yourself – Right Now – Before It’s Too Late!
Dear Fellow Consumer:
Identity theft is a crime that is becoming more and more common these days and affects everyone from the rich to the middle class to the poor. To steal a person’s identity, criminals need just one thing to get started – your social security number. Believe it or Not, it’s actually quite easy for them to get it, too!
It can be frightening to think that someone is out there using your name to commit crime. That crime could include purchasing goods in your name with you being liable for the bill. It could also be as serious as the criminal giving your name as theirs when they are arrested making you the subject of criminal charges.
Sounds pretty scary, doesn̢۪t it? What̢۪s even scarier is that YOU may be helping those criminals in ways you never even thought about.
Anyone can become a victim. For example, do you:
Hand your credit card to servers at restaurants?
Not sign the back of your credit or debit card?
Supply personal information over the internet?
Leave mail at your home or business for the postal carrier to collect?
Just throw away unwanted mail containing personal information?
If you do any of these things, YOU can become a victim of identity theft. Would you know what to do if that happened? Do you have a plan? Do you even know where to begin?
Now you will! You will have an edge over the criminals when you Start by ordering our amazing new book, â€Å“Protect Yourself from Identity Theftâ€. And it’s available to you only in this exclusive offer.
Over 10 million Americans are affected annually by identity theft. That̢۪s a staggering statistic! Sometimes these criminals are never caught. When they are, it̢۪s because the victim is vigilant about clearing their name and getting their identity back!
You Need To Be Vigilant Too!
After all, one̢۪s identity doesn̢۪t form overnight. You work hard to pay your bills on time, build up a good credit rating and maintain a good name for yourself. Don̢۪t let it disappear overnight at the hands of a thief.
Take Action!
In this valuable, comprehensive guide, you will learn many tips to protect yourself from identity theft. Here̢۪s a sneak peek:
Learn how criminals obtain your information Find out how they use it to ruin your good name
What steps you need to take to re-gain your identity
How to protect yourself against internet fraud
All the agencies you need to contact to correct your credit
What to do if you have problems getting the situation resolved
Don’t wait until it happens to you! Order â€Å“Protect Yourself from Identity Theft†for just $7.77 today. You’ll learn everything you need to know to make sure you are safe and much, much more!
For example, inside the pages of this book, you̢۪ll find out how to:
Take steps to correct your credit report
Assess those companies who offer to help you get your identity back – for a fee
Prove you are who you say you are
Organize your case and your information so you can set about regaining your identity back
Take precaution so it never happens to you ever – or again
The process of identity theft is a long and tedious one. But the person who is the culprit, doesn̢۪t mind waiting a bit to fully take advantage of you and your good name.
What you need to know is that getting your identity back once it̢۪s stolen is also a long and tedious process. Unfortunately, YOU are the one who is in a hurry to make this whole mess go away.
Start Right Now – Order This Valuable Book!
Yes, there are companies out there who offer to regain your identity back for you, but they often charge you a fee. Why pay that fee when you can do it all by yourself?
You need to be proactive first of all. You need to know what the criminals are looking for so you can protect yourself BEFORE it happens. Our book will show you how to do just that!
We̢۪ll give you valuable tips to help you protect your information so no thief can take advantage of you. This includes protecting:
Credit cards
Bank accounts
Phone solicitations
And more!
When almost one in every four households in America become victims of identity theft, it is a serious issue. Often, we don̢۪t take it seriously enough.
But We Should!
No where else will you find a more comprehensive guide to both protecting yourself from identity theft and regaining your identity back once it̢۪s been compromised.
You̢۪ll need a lot of information to get that done. This includes having an arsenal of tools at your fingertips. We̢۪re going to give you those tools! You̢۪ll get:
1. A letter that will address each credit problem
2. A form that proves your own identity
3. A letter that disputes any charges made fraudulently in your name
So basically, what we̢۪re telling you is that
We Have Everything You Need Right Here!
Right now, through this exclusive offer, we’re allowing you to buy â€Å“Protect Yourself From Identity Theft†for the low introductory price of $7.77. You won’t find such a comprehensive book like ours anywhere else for that price!
It̢۪s a no-brainer! Identity theft is a very real crime, and it could happen to YOU! Don̢۪t let it!
Order â€Å“Protect Yourself From Identity Theft†today with no risk and no chances. Start today guarding yourself from crime.
Warmest regards,
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